Getting insurance is an important step in protecting yourself and your family from financial disaster during a crisis. Most people recognize the fact that getting insurance is vital, but even the best of us can overlook certain things that really ought to be included in our coverage. Here are four things which your insurance coverage […]
Stay Safe, Everyone!
Getting stuck in the office for two days without fresh clothes to change into wasn’t something I relished. But choosing between the deluge outside, the torrential rains, my flooded apartment and the uncertain fate that awaited me if I braved the equally uncertain circumstances at NLEX to go home to my family in the province, […]
Hero Dog Dies To Save Girl
We have a dog. Her name is Jinky. I’ve said that before, I know, but it’s Christmas, I guess you can forgive me for saying so again. She’s a Jack Russell terrier, a pretty little thing. My husband got her a few months after we moved into our new home. Before we decided to tie […]
LBC and JRS Volunteer To Ship Donations For Free
Okay, so I lied. Shortly before this post, at This Christmas, I Wish PAGIBIG Would Send Bills On Time, I said the upcoming post will be about tonsillopharyngitis. But here’s what I came up with – a different topic altogether. No worries though, the tonsillopharyngitis discussion is already on park, and I am going to […]
Remembering The RMS Titanic
In Titanic Revisited, we made a comparison of the real-life characters with the reel characters. This time, we’ll uncover the events surrounding the final moments of the RMS Titanic, as recounted by Discovery Channel. On that fateful day of April 14, 1912, the Titanic had been receiving wireless messages all day, warnings of floating icebergs. […]
What to Do Before, During and After a Flood
Water in a pitcher in the refrigerator, in a dispenser in the workplace, in a swimming pool in the village clubhouse, in the sea on a scorching summer’s day – this is water that is sure to make at least one person smile. But raging floodwater on a stormy day? Definitely not something to smile about. […]
My Typhoon Ondoy Story
Two years had come and gone since the wrath of typhoon Ondoy was witnessed and felt by the Greater Manila Area, most especially Marikina, Cainta, Pasig and the surrounding cities. My family and I were residing in Pasig when this all happened. I was on vacation leave the day before the tragedy struck, to prepare […]