Shortly after lunch today, a little girl was shyly knocking at our front door. When I checked to see what she wanted, she handed me a blue booklet. Her voice was so low that I didn’t exactly hear what she was saying. When I looked at the booklet, I realized she was trying to get me to buy a raffle ticket.
I asked, “How old are you?”
I was positive I was smiling because the little girl smiled more confidently this time. “Nine.”
“Are you from the neighborhood?”
She nodded vigorously. “Mark used to be a classmate of mine.” She was referring to my second child, also a nine-year old. Apparently, the little girl is now attending another school.
Her good-natured demeanor won me over. Next thing I knew, I was signing my name on the raffle stub and handing her the money. The encounter lasted about a few minutes, probably no more than five minutes, but this little girl possessed character that I’m sure will take her far in life.
1. Just do it.
To accomplish whatever it is you need to accomplish, no matter who you are, just get out there and do what you’ve got to do. Flex your muscles. Reach out if you need to. Talk to people. Take down notes. Yes, it’s all about being proactive. Whether it be about blogging, affiliate marketing, learning a new language, shedding excess pounds or something else altogether, lazing around just doesn’t cut the deal.
2. Age is just a number.
You may be young and inexperienced, but there’s definitely something you can bring to the table – a fresh perspective at the very least. Besides, old folks don’t always know everything. The pro bloggers you look up to started out with practically zero blogging knowledge. Knowledge develops overtime, and knowledge comes by doing. Keep at it while you’re young and you’ll be amazed at what you’d be able to accomplish when the time is right.
3. There’s no shame in going after your goals.
Whatever the outcome, as long as you’re not doing anything grossly unacceptable, keep your head high. Don’t be shy. Socialize. Surround yourself with people who can positively influence you, people who can help you realize your aspirations. Learn from their mistakes and their successes. Ask questions. Seek help. You will be amazed to realize that there are people who would be willing to sit down with you and teach you what you want to know as long as you’re asking the right questions.
We, adults, may be far more experienced than the young ones, but that doesn’t mean we’re right all the time. Teach your children well, so says a song. That is just one side of the equation. We should, as well, never forget that children are there to remind us of important life lessons, too.
Latest posts by Maricel Rivera (see all)
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Fully agree especially point #3.
frugal expat recently posted…A Beautiful Rainy Monday in Abu Dhabi…
Hey, Frugal, thanks for the comment. Indeed, kids make for better teachers sometimes. I hope you’re having a merry Christmas!
Maricel recently posted…What Exactly Is Content Marketing?
very inspiring entry, the way the girl came to you with that raffle tickets teaches her on how to survive the poverty life in this country…
Nova recently posted…Would Like to Wish All
Hey, Nova, thanks for coming over. Merry Christmas to you and your family!
I would have to agree, that’s another way to look at it. If even at a young age you know that there’s no shame in doing something you think is going to benefit you in the long run, as long as you’re not stepping on someone’s toes, then you’re learning the most important lessons in life. 🙂
Maricel recently posted…Is Christmas Becoming Too Commercialized?
Our children when taught on certain values will in any time teach and remind us of what we had taught them.
Earl Pablo recently posted…Weekly Blog Challenge: Spicing Up Your Blog
Hey, Earl, thanks for commenting. Parents teaching their kids is a responsibility they all must live up to, but kids teaching their parents, no matter how mundane those may be, is a sign that there’s hope for our nation’s future.
Merry Christmas!
Maricel recently posted…Monday Reflections: Are You Planting?
napa-wow naman ako sa bata…in less than 5min napabili ka nya ng tiket.. 😛
yeah agree also with #3…
Merry Christmas!
Shengkay recently posted…I Was Scammed Too!
Oo nga, haha. The power of being young and innocent. 😀
Maricel recently posted…The Cardboard Box and the Creative You
Very well said, I learned a lot from my own kids everyday. Here I was thinking that I know a lot about parenting based from what my parents had taught me but I was wrong, the new generation of kids is far different than what I grew up with so everyday is a learning opportunity for me.
Chubskulit Rose recently posted…Sweet November
Haha, same here, Rose. Indeed, we may be more experienced, but that doesn’t necessarily mean we always know better. Thanks for visiting, sis!
Maricel recently posted…Twitter, a Newbie and the Art of Unfollowing
Very inspiring post. Hats off ako sa trait ng young girl. Indeed, Age is just a number.. It doesn’t matter if you start young or old but the main thing is you pursue what’s in your heart.
papaleng recently posted…Decorate Your Christmas Tree with Cats!
So very true, Papaleng. Age doesn’t define a person. Young or old, we all are free to pursue the leanings of our hearts. Happy holidays!
Maricel recently posted…The Cardboard Box and the Creative You
Awww such a sweet yet shy little girl 🙂 I am glad that you buy some tickets from her Sis, hope you win too 🙂 I’d love when kids are not afraid, mine are both shy 🙂 just like their Mama 🙂
Jessica Cassidy recently posted…My Konvine foldable flats shoes product review
Know what, Jessica, it doesn’t normally show, but I am a shy person, too. 😀
Shyness, or perhaps the feeling of inadequacy, is what usually deters a person from pursuing his goals or putting his/her best foot forward. Thanks for visiting, sis!
Maricel recently posted…Holly Jahangiri – Mom, Writer and Blogger Extraordinaire: An Interview